Talk About Bullying With Your Child
This blog is to help you talk with your child about bullying and how to handle it if/when it happens.
Helping Your Child Break The Cycle Of Anxiety
We tend to think of children as happy and carefree. Many are, but some are not. Some children in these high-stress times we live in...
Helping My Child Break the Grip of Unhealthy Anxiety
If you asked any parent if they want their child to experience anxiety, they would say no. But anxiety isn’t always bad. Healthy...
Fathers Who Wound
The two most impactful human relationships in your life are the first two relationships. The relationship you had with your mother and...
Help For The Overstimulated Child
Parents of preschoolers and young children can relate to this scene. You’re at Grandma and Grandpa’s swimming. Your 4-year-old son...
Does My Child Need Therapy?
Every parent wants their child to be healthy in every way: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Your doctor is there to...